Want to develop Business Intelligence (BI) Application?
Creating and developing Business Intelligence applications – alongside relevant use cases, action workflows & tracking mechanism, architecture & platform of BI application is very essential.
This is where foundation & scope comes together: Key Performance Indicators (KPI), workflow & processes, User Interaction, strategy & implementation, user performance, application views, the architecture, the different BI tools and data all need to be transformed, visualized into valuable information dashboard for a specific aspect of the Enterprise.

Prepare Use case for Business Intelligence applications It is therefore important that enterprise prepare a business use case in which enterprise measure costs vs benefits of the BI application. This is not an easy task, particularly if there is no architecture and BI tools. If this is the case, the enterprise must measure the benefits, short-term and long-term goals against the initial investments.
The value disciplines control the information needs It goes without saying that the value disciplines control the information needs and determine what data an enterprise wants to register as well as on which Business Intelligence application the enterprise should focus. After all, tracking individual customers Journey is hardly relevant for organizations that focus on operational excellence – and thus aim for all customers. Organizations that wish to achieve a high degree of customer satisfaction & loyalty will – obviously – want to know as much as they can about their customers. Finally, product leadership enterprise attach importance to information that enables them to increase their market share.
Minimum Performance Level For value chain – it is important that an enterprise is always able to achieve a certain minimum performance threshold in each discipline in order to survive. It is also increasingly important – and increasingly possible due to technology – for enterprise to achieve a high level of performance in multiple ‘value chain’ simultaneously. Think for example of an enterprise that focuses primarily on product leadership & Sales, but which also creates customer satisfaction through delivering customized products supported by a CRM system and a web application that offers self-service.
Decision support & Automation BI applications should not be seen as standalone ‘islands of automation’. The Intelligent enterprise ensures that all applications use the same ground rules – the architecture including the data warehouse – and utilizes the different Business layers. If each application uses its own little data warehouse, we run the risk of having to deal with multiple versions of the big picture. If each application uses its own business logic, tools for analysis, our employees would have to build up knowledge of multiple tools and managing the Business Intelligence applications would become unnecessarily complex and expensive.